We are a non-profit organization and rely on fundraising and donations to help support our program.
A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all monetary donations over $10. Donations via e-transfers can be sent to alephbet@mymts.net.
Fundraisers take place throughout the year. We ask everyone to take part in these events. All fundraising money is put back into the program by means of special activities, new toys, equipment for the children's program and renovations. All fundraising suggestions are welcomed, and are greatly appreciated. Please note the Board of Directors has a functioning Fundraising Committee. If you would like to be a part of their efforts, please speak to the Director or Board Member.
Established in 2003, an Endowment Fund is housed at The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba. This fund ensures a stream of funds for the organization into perpetuity. Individual Endowment Funds within the Aleph-Bet Fund may be created with an initial contribution of $100. Funds may be added at any time. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all contribution. This is a wonderful way to mark your child’s involvement in Aleph-Bet Child Life Enrichment Program. To create an Aleph-Bet Endowment Fund or for more information, please contact the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, (204)477-7520 or click the link to donate. Aleph-Bet Endowment Fund